You might feel a bit queasy before a big event or when you have to eat something new. But if your stomach feels like it’s turning somersaults, it’s important to know what to do. Sickness and feeling sick are two very different things. Feeling queasy or unwell isn’t always a sign that something is wrong with your stomach or intestines. It can happen when you’re stressed or anxious, or when you have an upset stomach from something like a virus or food poisoning. If you start feeling sick, here’s what you should do – and what not to do – in order to avoid getting worse. There are lots of things that can make you feel sick, but they’re not all equal in terms of severity. Some things are more serious than others and you should seek medical attention if necessary.

Check your surroundings

It’s important to check your surroundings if you’re feeling sick. This is because people who are feeling sick tend to be more likely to get into accidents. If you’re feeling sick, you’re more likely to be distracted and forget to pay attention to your surroundings. This can be especially true if you’re feeling nauseous and have a headache at the same time.

Check your temperature

If you start feeling sick, it’s important to take your temperature. If it’s above 38 degrees Celsius, you should go to the hospital to be checked out immediately. This is because you could be suffering from hyperthermia, which is a serious condition that can be life-threatening if it’s left untreated. You should also take your temperature if you’ve been in contact with someone who has a fever.

Rest and stay hydrated

If you’re feeling sick, it’s important to rest. You should try to get as much sleep as you can, and avoid caffeine and alcohol if possible. If you’re feeling unwell, you’re more likely to get dehydrated, so it’s important to stay hydrated. You can do this by drinking plenty of fluids, especially water. It’s important to make sure that you’re drinking enough water throughout the day, and not just when you feel like you need a drink.

Call your doctor

If you’re feeling sick and it’s not improving, it’s important to call your doctor. You should do this even if you’ve already tried to treat your symptoms at home and nothing has worked. If you’re feeling sick, it’s important to get treatment as soon as possible. This way, you can rule out any serious conditions and get the help you need as soon as possible.

Go to the hospital if necessary

If you’re feeling sick and it’s not improving, it’s important to go to the hospital. This might seem obvious, but it’s important to remember that not everyone who feels sick needs to go to the hospital. If you feel that you’re at risk of hurting yourself or others, or if you’re not sure if you should go to the hospital, you should call your doctor. If you do go to the hospital, you’ll be able to get help and be treated for your illness as soon as possible.


Sickness and feeling sick aren’t the same thing. Feeling sick is a normal part of being human. It can happen when you’re stressed or anxious, or when you have an upset stomach from something like a virus or food poisoning. If you start feeling sick, here’s what you should do – and what not to do – in order to avoid getting worse. You should check your surroundings, take your temperature, rest and stay hydrated, and call your doctor if necessary.

Frequently Asked Question

Whenever mold, dust, pests, trash, and contaminants are left unclean, germs, viruses, and bacteria thrive. Thus, diseases spread which puts the health of the occupants at risk. This may lead to acquiring pneumonia, asthma, meningitis, and many other contagious diseases which may be fatal. Unclean homes also affect the mental well-being of the occupants.

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A sound mind and body can be achieved even at home. Think about your home as your working place. Every morning the janitor maintains the cleanliness, and the maintenance crew checks the vents, air filters, sewage, and electrical connections. All these to ensure that the workspace is clean. Just the same, at home, make it a habit to clean consistently. Have a monthly check on your water pipes, heating, air conditioning as well as electrical connections. You’ll be less anxious and be more at ease.